Ramblings of an Amateur Author

So I wake up, back is still hurting.  I take a shower, get ready for my 9-5 if you know what I mean.  
(I'm still working from home so the commute is a piece of cake :))  I forced myself to finish up the short story of Danielle and Pawpaw.  I enjoyed how the story came through my mind and onto the paper.

Some people will say you need to do an outline.  I myself just write what I feel during the moment.  Sure through time it gets edited and edited and moved and changed according to how it sounds when I read it, but I am the type of person who gets a thought in my mind and has to let it play out on the keyboard.

With all that said, I read my recently released "An Addicts Journey Home, The Tale of Two Sisters"
Wouldn't you know it, I found a paragraph that was not indented.  UGHHHHH.  of course, being that I self publish I went straight away to correct that.  I re-read and re-read and re-read so much I think that there are going to be times that I may miss something.

I can't help myself, but when I'm reading other books I see things wrong and tell myself, well this word should have been spelled this way or that way.  I'm not being mean to the author, I'm just making an observation.  I mean heck, I'm reading their book, they have it going on. LOL

I just finished book five of the Shadow and Light Series.  OMG, I can't put these books down when I get them.  I started about a year ago and read them when I had time.  Now that I'm about to start book six of the 7 book series, I read book five in 1 week.  I'm seriously addicted.

I can't get enough of books that are in series.  I tend to get lost in their world's and don't want to get out.  I mean most of them are with Scifi characters and I don't want them to see me because I would probably get killed, but I want to just observe HAHA!

I often wonder why I can't come up with those types of worlds since I read them so much, but my brain just doesn't work that way.  I work more in real life, but not so real type of way.  I deal with people, places and things instead of fantasy, but when it comes to reading, fantasy, Scifi is my thing!

I hope everyone is having a great Monday, I come on here to just blow off some steam since I've come to a dead spot in my writing in general.  It helps me kind of get the pump I need to write my stories.

Weird, but being able to ramble on here helps me actually get in the headspace to write my stories.

Oh By the way, I have recently uploaded our recent videos of our sistersisterliveshow onto our youtube channel.  Yeah we went and got fancy and created a youtube channel.  I mean as fancy as you can get in your 40's and learning on your own through other youtube channels HAHA!


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