Empty Nesting Gone Wild

Well, it has finally happened, my youngest child and only girl has turned 18. 

Happy Birthday to my baby girl.  

I sit here today and I think to myself, where has the time gone.  I know for her she must be thinking, why does it go so slow.  I'm ready to get out of here.

I can remember when I was 18 years old.  I was living at home and had no aspirations at all.  I was so lazy.  I literally sat on my grandma's couch eating all her food, drinking soda like it was going out of style, and smoking like a freight train.

Fast-forward to 2020 and smoking isn't as cool as it used to be, thank god and well, staying home is mandatory because of the pandemic.  

Who would have thought that we would basically be in the same places at the same age?  Nowadays they call that "Twining" 👩

Most will remodel their house, go on vacation, do the things they couldn't do when they had the kids tying them down.

Well, for me, I did it all with the kids right there by my side.  We traveled the world, we went on vacations, we camped out in the house, had pillow fights. You name it, we did it already.  I had a whole military career with the kids, became an author, retired, started a new career, got 6 dogs.

These kids have surely been my inspiration, so now as most people are starting their life, I wonder, will I continue to have my inspiration?  They have been wrapped up in so much of who I was, will I be able to continue with who I am, or will I be trying to find myself now?

The unknowns do not scare me though.  Like I taught them, Life is about choices and experiences.  You choose to experience them or you choose to hide away from them.  Either way, you have to live!

Happy Thursday people, Live your best life!



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