It's a Glorious Time To Be Alive

 This picture is of me and my kids in Italy 2009 Just happy and alive!

This day, this time, this year is a glorious moment to be alive.  Most of you will sit there and scratch your head and think, "What the hell is she thinking."

Let me explain.  In our world right now, we are in a transition period.  We have this ability to become a better world if we get it right.  During the pandemic, we were forced indoors, unable to roam freely on God's earth.

We watched from indoors as our air became purer, we watched as Mother Nature and her creatures began to come out of their crawling spaces.  

Fast forward a few months into the Pandemic when Humans became restless.  You see the world on fire, hurricanes hitting us with a one-two punch (first in history that we know of). Shooting and looting happening at a rate that our history has not seen either.

What is the problem you may ask, the common denominator is Humans.  Our nature as humans is to fight against every fiber that we think we know.  

When will we start having more faith in each other and stop believing what we hear or read to be the absolute truth?? When will we stop thinking that every single thing in front of us is a conspiracy to make us conform?  Now I'm not a fan of conforming, but I'm also not a fan of mass chaos.

We are in a glorious time because we have the ability to come together as humans and make this right.  

We can be better.  We can stop littering our house (IE: Mother Nature).  We can treat people better and with dignity.  We can lift each other up instead of competing with them.  Do you know that there is plenty of millionaires and money to go around?

Why do we constantly have to live in a world of hatred, when goodness is the thing that pushes us forward.

We can help Mother Earth heal and have her for longer than we are going to.  A few small steps and changing your mindset is all you need to do.

Stop asking why, and start moving.

Stop complaining and make a difference.

Stop wallowing in self-pity, and look around you at people who wish they had what you have.



and hear the cries of nature, the cries of the hungry, the cries of the person next to you, just wanting peace.

I am embracing this glorious time to be alive by spreading positivity, not letting the bad in, and finding ways to be more sustainable instead of just grabbing the next plastic product.

I'm not perfect, I will make mistakes, but I will not stop.  

Have a glorious week

From me to you, Blessings and abundance.



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