I thought I would write to you today.

I thought I would let you know that it will be ok no matter what you are going through in life.

There are times where we are going to get kicked right in the gut.  We are going to lose our wind, but don't fret, and it will come back.  It doesn't stay gone for long.

In the darkest of moments, the light will creep in.  A good friend of mine says, "We are all cracked pots, letting our little rays light shine on the parts that need illumination" - Lisa Nadine.

In the darkest of moments, it is when our real character shines through.  

We think we know ourselves, but until you have had to understand why we are feeling a certain way, question why you have to go through something, you don't know who you are at all.

In my life, I have had my ups and downs. Above all of it, I have learned to believe in myself.

Some will say that you're not humble; if you have confidence, I say bull pucky.  

You have to believe in yourself so much that you don't see the non-believers.  If you believe in yourself, that means that you are seeing the purpose that God has set out for you.

He gives us all a path, and along the way, he puts people in that path to point us where we must go. 

That old saying some people come for a reason, season or a lifetime is so true.  

We wonder why some people have to come into our lives and mess things up and create a chaotic state.  These people were there to show us something in our lives that we were not seeing.  Why do we hate these people?  They were our teachers.

Some came in to show us that it is ok to cry and to feel.  These people came in for a season, and we miss them.  We wonder why we couldn't keep them forever and always have them around.  Don't question this, and they weren't meant to be there forever; their work is to be with all kinds of people.  Feel blessed that you had them for the time you did.

Then those that are meant to be in your life forever.  These are those special angels that are remarkable enough to withstand a whole lifetime of whatever mess you have.  

I say mess because each of our lives is this beautiful, chaotic mess, and it is the most fantastic experience that we hold.

Our life sentence is not a scary thing that we should be afraid of or ashamed of; we should cherish it.

I often say that life isn't afforded to everyone.  If I get 100 years, I will be so lucky and happy to have had those 100 years.

We should all strive to obtain that goal because we have air in our lungs by the grace of God.

Until next time people, today, on my birthday, 43 years old, I feel blessed beyond measure for the messes and the chaos and the calm that creates my life sentence.



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