Over the past week, I have been a little tired and fighting migraines.  The one thing I didn't do is let it keep me down.  

When something tries to fight what my heart pulls me to do, I push through somehow, someway.  Sure I didn't get done everything I wanted to, but I also didn't lay down and just let the illness consume me.

I think a lot of humans forget that they have to actually work for what they want.  Not everyone is going to have things handed to them.  I think that 1% actually have something handed to them.

What do the other 99% do?  we work for what we have.  Sometimes that is late nights, sometimes that is missing special moments, and often times that is not knowing if it's going to work or not.

I choose the life that I have because it sparks inspiration in my heart and because I am pulled to it.

I walked away from the opportunity of making a lot of money a few times.  I did this because money isn't what I strive for, I strive to live a free life. 

I live free because I don't let fear own me.  

Imagine me sitting and being afraid of doing everything, I wouldn't have become an author
, I wouldn't have started our Live shows, I wouldn't have started my own company, I wouldn't go on other podcasts and talk about my journey.  I wouldn't of broke free of the emotionally abusive relationship I was in.

I had two kids watching my every step and I wanted a life for them, where they are anything they wanted to be.

Fear stops us from being our true selves.  

What compels you to be happy?  What brings you joy?  If you are living to make money instead of the other way around, I find that heartbreaking and tragic.

I understand bills must be paid, but at the same time, when will you start living free?

I"m rambling at this point, but I feel an urgency to let people know that the fear they are living behind is something they have brought upon themselves.

Stop living a victim mentality and start believing in yourself for Pete's sake.

You can't expect anyone else to believe in you until you believe in you.


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