Change Your Focus

 Hideyo everyone,

Where is the time going?  Didn't we wake up one day and there was a pandemic?  Now the year is almost over, and a vaccine is being given to people?

Whether you have embraced 2020 as a year of change or thrown it away as a year lost, it will be one that you will never forget.

I've had so many conversations with people about this year, and you hear it almost every day.  I can honestly say that it's like when I was pregnant, and people would ask me, "Are you still pregnant?" I would always want to smack them in the forehead.  Of course, I was pregnant, and I'm huge, LOL.  Of course, 2020 is still here. We're not there yet. Hold onto your purse strings. We will get through this.

I know many people are ready to get it over with, but at what point are you going to stop, stand in place and try to fix what is going on without wishing it would all be over.

I'm thinking of the movie with Adam Sandler that he kept fast-forwarding through the parts of his life he didn't like.  Before he knew it: he was an older man having a heart attack, and his whole family had changed around for him.

How many of you sit and think about how much time has changed the people around you?  That is what happens when you sit around complaining about things that you cannot change.

Take some moments, relish in the things that are going right. Please don't tell me one thing isn't right in your life because you will find something if you dig deep enough.  

Focus on that one thing and hold onto it until everything else around you starts to get into line.  It will bring you in line.

We are all in this world together. We will get through this.

We have lovely things that were given to us, LIFE!

Enjoy it, embrace it, make the difference by changing your focus.

Until next time my friends.



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