Happy Tuesday, everyone.

I am feeling a little lost, honestly.  After a month of non-stop writing and pushing to the finish line, my books are finally here.  The best part is they are out there for everyone to read.

The worse part is I am here left with this feeling of what do I do with myself.  I have been sitting here feeling like I have forgotten something for a week now.

How many of you do this after a big task is complete? Do you do this after something that has consumed so much of your time is over?

I'm learning to readjust my schedule and get back into writing on other projects, but it still doesn't feel real to me yet.

I'm excited for the books to be released but sad that I am no longer writing them.  These books were so near and dear to my heart, and they brought me so much joy. 

I know, release them and let them fly.  I think this was the same thing when I had children, I loved them, and I knew they had to grow up, but I hated when they left.

This scenario is real for so many moments in our life if you think of it.

So many changes will happen. We have to love and let free.  As we go through these changes, we have to realize the right parts and not focus on the position that it is no longer with us.

I've added a photo of one of the projects.  I have included links below.  

I hope you enjoy the books. They all have a special place in my heart.

Pawpaw's Recliner, Where For Art Thou - this book is a tribute to my dad.  This is the second book in Pawpaw's Recliner series and has the children coming together for the holidays after thirty years of just living their life in different parts of the world.  They have to find the recliner that has gone missing.   https://www.amazon.com/Pawpaws-Recliner-Where-Art-Thou-ebook/dp/B08PDRCC54/ref

Elvis The Little Prince and the Christmas Tail - I have this little dog you guys, who thinks he owns the world.  Since he came home with us, he has ruled the house.  We have called him the little prince, and of course, since I write most of my children's books about dogs, he had to have his book.  I also document my children's books around lessons that I believe children can learn from and kindness.


Summer Raven - This is my life story.  I share with you my triumphs, failures, and just how I became ME.  at the core of who I am, this is ME. https://www.amazon.com/Summer-Raven-CJ-Ives-Lopez-ebook/dp/B08PDT83HP/ref

Hold Onto Your Soul - Ten Women share their survivor stories.  They dig deep into the very thing that was meant to take them down, and they share it with you because they survived.  They wanted to be a part of this book.  They want to be there for anyone who has struggled in their life. https://www.amazon.com/Hold-Onto-Your-Soul-Lopez-ebook/dp/B08PTHYZDN/ref

We hope each of you has a beautiful holiday, even if you are alone, you are being thought of by me!

Until next time my friends.



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