Don't Give In

There will be days that it feels like there is a weight on your chest and you can't breathe.

There will be days that it feels like nothing is going right, and you can't fight the anxiety bubbling up in your throat.

There will be days that it feels like no one cares that you are hurting, and it feels so lonely.

There will be these days, and there will be good days.

There will be days where you feel on top of the world, and you sleep like a baby knowing everything is right.

There will be days when you feel like the most crucial person in the world to someone you love.

There will be days that you are on fire, and you get so many things done you can't even imagine not being productive.

The thing is, we all have ups and downs.  We can't predict when we're going to have a good or bad day.  What we can predict is how we react to it.

I can't tell you how many times when I was younger that I thought the world was falling apart, and I could never see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I look back on my life at how many times I thought it was over.  If my life ended at those moments, I would have missed out on so many opportunities of love.  

Mental Health is why we can't find the light or the dry spots after the rain.  You have to take care of your mental health at all times.  

What are you putting into your brain?  What do you allow into your life?

Now, how many of you just said, well, I can't help it, I can't this, or I can't that?

Listen, you can do whatever the hell you want.  Sorry for being so blunt, but you have to be your catalyst for change.

Stop watching the shows that make you anxious.  Stop focusing on the problems you can't change and give them over to a higher power.  Stop listening to the negative people and cut them off.  Close the door to the very things that are stopping you from meeting your full potential.

Now, some of you will believe you have to take care of other people.  While I applaud you for the effort, let me tell you one real thing, if you are not well, you are not helping anyone.

When you don't have your life right, you are pulling them down with you;  think bout that.  The person you want to help, you are doing damage.  How does that make you feel?

Please Don't feel so bad about it. Damaged people are clinging to you because they don't want help. They want to be in misery with you.  Ever heard of the saying misery loves company?  It's true.

When you increase your vibration, improve how you feel in the world, you attract better.  

So you have a choice.  You can be the person who thrives, or you can be the person who survives.

Please take care of your mental health.  Stop making excuses that stop you from having a good life.

Stop loving the attention that being a victim gets you and realize that the attention you get from thriving is way more enticing when you start thriving!

Until next time my friends.



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