The Early Bird Gets The Worm


The early bird gets the worm can be used in different ways.  Some people think it's those who rise early in the morning.  Others believe it means when you are there first in line.  

To me, it's fate mixed in with hard work and dedication.

I'm an early riser.  My brain turns to mush after noon and a good lunch.  I try to get everything done before that time, or I can't guarantee my best work.  Does that mean I'm more successful than others?  Nope.  This is just my optimal time to work.  

Take my husband as another subject.  He runs from 7 pm - 4 am.  His optimal time to work is 7 pm - 12 am.  He gets his stuff done between that time and after midnight is just on smooth sailing mode and relaxing.  Does this make him more successful than others?  Nope.

If you are the FIRST at anything in your field, are you more successful?  Sure, you will have a title, but someone else may take the time to refine your idea and become more successful than you.

This is why I say its fate and hard work that defines success.  I also think that you determine your level of success and what you measure it by.  Sure, we can say getting on the Forbes list, being named by A-Listers, or having our names slapped across headlines means we made it but is that important to you?

To some, it is. To others, they could care less.  You have to define success and accomplishments by the very thing that makes you tick inside.  What makes your heart warm.  What puts a smile on your face just when you close your eyes and think about it?

That is when you will define your accomplishments and success.  That is when you can measure you have been successful or not.

Until next time my friends



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