Writing for Change


I haven’t written in quite some time. I’ve been creating new projects for myself. You're thinking, who in their right mind does that? Well, I do of course LOL. I want to create a space for authors to grow into their writing abilities and learn how to promote themselves better. There is so much information out there, but there are those who covet it and refuse to share. There are many people who covet this information so they can make a lot of money but do very little for authors.

There are authors who share in abundance, and I follow them and their work. I have read their books, studied their careers, and followed almost to a tee what they have done in their careers to be successful. Sometimes you have to find what you want to be and follow it. You obviously don’t want to be a copy of someone else, but if someone is successful, they are doing something right, watch what they do, and do it to your own beat.

I want to gather the most useful information so if I’m going to earn money from authors in the future; it is because they are earning money off of what I do for them.  

Creating a free space for them to grow as well has to be at the forefront of what I do. I will never stop allowing authors to have that space. I started supporting authors well before I created my business side and will continue that as well.  

What I found when I started my author career is that finding information took a lot of work. Do the research; you don’t know who you can trust and you have to work, work, work. Authoring has to become a full-time job if you self publish, but most often you won’t even get a part time pay check. The problem with that is who has a full-time job that will allow them to do all of this? Who also has enough money to put into this? Almost nobody right!!!

So being blessed with the ability to speed read and digest tons of information in a short time, I could do all of that while leveraging some services to keep my author career going and providing other things to people so they could keep their author career going.  

I basically created a barter system with other authors so that we helped each other keep a float and get our works out there until we were to the point we could create our businesses. This in of itself is going to be a book, but a fiction one in the future.  

ONe thing has rung true amongst the self-publishing world. I have met the kindest people and the meanest people. It all depends on what you allow into your life. Criticism is in abundance, but 90% of it is to help you grow, yes even the adverse criticism.

Be open to take the bad shot across the bow so that you know what you can do to better yourself.

I’m excited for the future of The Authors Porch, my continued pursuit of helping authors and those who need to be heard. I also continue to help those speak out on things that have happened to them in their life. Giving a voice to the silenced will always be my destination.

Until next time, my friends.



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